Clap switch code

int sound_sensor = A0; int relay = 13; int clap = 0; long detection_range_start = 0; long detection_range = 0; boolean status_lights = false; void setup() { pinMode(sound_sensor, INPUT); pinMode(relay, OUTPUT); } void loop() { int status_sensor = digitalRead(sound_sensor); if (status_sensor == 0) { if (clap == 0) { detection_range_start = detection_range = millis(); clap++; } else if (clap > 0 && millis()-detection_range >= 50) { detection_range = millis(); clap++; } } if (millis()-detection_range_start >= 400) { if (clap == 2 ) { if (!status_lights) { status_lights = true; digitalWrite(relay, HIGH); } else if (status_lights) { status_lights = false; digitalWrite(relay, LOW); } } clap = 0; } }


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